Sunday, February 16, 2014

Armpits Sweat Treatment

Posted by Unknown on 12:08 PM with No comments
Armpits Sweat Treatment
Excessive armpit sweating is a common problem between men and women. Its brings a lot of 
unhappiness and uncomfort in our daily is a sweating discover and medically it is termed
 as hyperhidrosis It may be caused due to lot of problem e.g over weight, selection of diet, 
clothes or it may be caused due to family history.

 Any how we must know the exact reason for our armpit sweating to overcome this hectic problem.
There are lot medical treatment available to fix this issue. We can treat over sweating under arm by 
some very effective and time tested home remedies.

Home Remedy No:1
At night before going to bed wash your armpits with soap and dry. Take apple vinegar and apply 
it under your arms. Let it air dry. It will help you minimizing the production of sweat under your arms.
You will be protected by bad smell sweating stains under arms.

Home Remedy No :2
Sweat is acidic in nature and baking soda is an alkaline nature. There is a chemical reaction between 
them and gases production. It will help in evaporating sweat and keep armpits dry. Take a reasonable
amount of baking soda and mix water in it until it makes a thick paste.Apply this under your arms and 
leave it for 30 minutes.Then wash it and dry. Keep it up for some time you will feel a change in your
excessive sweating.


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