Friday, January 31, 2014

Home Remedies For Back Pain

Posted by Unknown on 9:01 PM with No comments
Home Remedies For Back Pain

1. Heat is wonderful treatment for back pain.Boil water and put it in a bottle. Put this bottle
over pain effected areas to get temporary relief.

2. Honey is well known in the medical world because of its health benefits result. You can take a glass of water mix with honey every morning to get rid of backache.
3.Vitamin C is health benefits as it provides great relief for severe back pains. You have to take about  200mg of vitamin C daily to treat the condition. You will see a huge difference in your condition even in 
2-3 days.
4. Raw potato is one of the finest home remedies for back pain. Apply raw potato in the poultice form 
as it has been found effective in backache cure.
5. Massage plays amazing role in relieving back pain. You can use some herbal oils to massage as it help
in increasing the pressure slowly ans also provides you great comfort in less time.It also helps to get
rid of tension as well as relaxes muscles.

6.Garlic is the most important  as well as wonderful home remedy for back pain. 2-3 garlic cloves should
be eaten every morning as it provides you relief from back pain.
7. You can also your back with the garlic oil as it provides great relief to back.
8. You can also prepare garlic oil at home as you can take ten cloves of oil and put it in 60 ml of oil.
Put both in frying pan and heat it.For this  purpose you take any  of oil as you can either take mustard oil,
sesame oil or coconut oil.
9. Take mint oil and massage your back that oil. This wonderful home remedy for back pain provides 
great relief to back.
10.Lemon is the natural remedy for back pain. Take a fresh lemon and extract juice from it.Mix some
common salt in it. Take this mixture two time a day it will provide you great relief.
11. Excess weight given away to back  pain, it also  increase the stress over the soft tissues of back so one
should maintain weight as  it helps to prevent back pain.
12. You can also treat back pain with cheulic myroblen It is healthy fruits and can take a small piece of fruit
after every meal as it is  quick back pain relief provider.
13. People suffering from the back pain should avoid lifting heavy loads as it can make the 
condition severe.
14. Health dietary habits play magnificent role in the improving the condition of patient of backache. One should avoid fatty fried and spicy food to stay away from back pain.Curds sweetmeats and tea
or coffee are also harmful in the case.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How To Check Your Pulse

Posted by Unknown on 8:53 PM with No comments

 Your Pulse, Pulse rate or heart rate refer to how many times your heart beats per minutes or
a specific unit of time--how many contraction occur in the heart's ventricles (the lower
chambers of the heart).

What is the difference between your pulse and your rate?

  Heart rate refers to the heart, how many times it contracts in a given time.
  Pulse (pulse rate) refers to the artery you are checking with your finger(s), how many
times it bulges when there is a gush surge..

The figure for heart rate and pulse rate is the nearly always  same (expect in certain
medical conditions), because a bulge in the artery is caused by the heart contracting and
pushing blood out..

A person's heart rate varies depending on what they are doing it is slower when they are sleeping
and faster when exercising.
Finding your Pulse
Your pulse can be found where an artery passes close to the skin, such as your neck or
 wrist .
How to find your pulse in your wrist 
How To Check Your Pulse

A person checking their pulse

      Hold one of your hands out with the palm facing upwards and the elbow slightly bent
      Place your index (first) and middle fingers of your other hand on the inside of your
wrist, just below the base of your thumb

      Press the two fingers lightly on your skin until you feel your pulse.
      If  you feel nothing, either press harder or search with your fingers for the artery and
press again
       Do not press thumb on your wrist because it has its own pulse, an artery goes
through it

Count how many beats there are over a 20-second period and them multiply the total by 3,
which will given you your  heart rate (per minute). Some people prefer to continue for thirty
seconds and then multiply by 2 or to count for a whole minute for better accuracy

Your  resting rate  this is your heartbeat (per minute) after you have been resting 
(sitting or lying still) for ten minutes.

Finding your pulse on your neck (carotid artery)

You can also find your pulse by pressing the same two fingers on the side of your neck
(carotid artery), besides your adam's apple in the hollow area. If you are over 65 be 
careful you do not press too hard; there is  a risk of becoming lightheaded.

Other ways of checking your pulse

                    The popliteal artery - behind the knee
                    The abdominal aorta - over the abdomen 
                    The apex of the heart - can be felt if you place your hand/finger on your chest
                    The basilar artery - close to the ear
                    The  brachial pedis - the middle of dorsum of the foot (the back, or surface, of the foot)
                    The femoral artery - in the groin
                    The posterior tibial artery - the ankle joint 
                    The superficial temporal artery - the temple

Using a heart rate monitor
There are several personal monitoring devices, know as heart rate monitors or pulsometers,
that allow you to measure your heart rate in real time. Some of them even record your heart 
rate for later study

Heart rate monitors, for personal use, are popular among athlete's and people who exercise
regularly. A growing number of people  buy them to check their resting  heart rates at home,
instead of pressing their fingers  on an  artery to check their pulse rate

There are two popular  types of heart rate monitors:

    A chest strap and watch - consists of two parts.You place the watch around you wrist
and a strap around your chest

How To Check Your Pulse

Strapless heart rate monitor -
                                              The device goes around your wrist, part of the back of your hand, and
your index finger.
How To Check Your Pulse
Finding  and measuring another person's pulse

           Make sure the person is resting Seated with their back supported and feet on the floor,
or lying down.

Stand facing the person and ask them to extend their arm toward you or take their hand,
Pull gently and stretch the arm toward you, with their palm facing upward. Then follow the same
procedure explained above for when you take your own pulse.

If the person is injured or unconscious, you need to learn about first aid, read this
article "What is first AID? What is the Recovery position?"
What is a normal resting pulse rate (heart rate)?
For a healthy human being, aged at least 18 years, anything between 60 and 100 beats per minutes
is usually considered as a normal resting heart rate.

Fit people tend to have a slower heart rate than unfit individuals. Some Olympic athletes
have been know to have a resting heart rate of 40 bmp (beat per minutes). In fact, a  resting heart
rate of 29 bmp was once recorded with Miguel  Indurain, a champion cyclist.
     The following are ideal normal heart rates in bmp:
           According to the National Institutes of Health, USA
     Newborns  (0 - 3 months) - 120 to 160
     Infants (3 - 6 months) - 90 to 120
    Infants (6 - 12 months)- 80 - 120
    Children (1 to 10 years)- 70 to 130
    People over 10 years- 60 to 100
   Well trained adults athletes - 40 to 60

According to the National health Service, UK

       Newborn ( 0 to 1 months) - 120 to 160
       Infants  (1 to 12 months) - 80 to 140
      Babies/toddlers (1 to 2 years) - 80 to 130
      Toddlers/young children (2 to 6 years) - 75 to 120
      Children (7 to 12 years) - 75 to 110
      Adults aged (18+ years) - 60 to 110
      Adults athletes - 40 to 60
UK data may vary depending on which health authority you access

Why should your pulse be checked?
People may check their pulse for many reason:

          Curiosity - You may simply want to know what your heart rate is, Perhaps during/after a
conservation your friends talked about their heart rate.

During a medical visit - When doctors carry out a physical exam, they often check the
patient's heart rate.

To check your heart - in my emergency situation, a person's heart rate can help
determine whether the heart is pumping blood properly

After an injury - to check for blood flow

To check a medication's effect - if a patient is talking medication to slow the heart
such as beta-blockers, the doctors may ask them to check their  pulse every day

To check your fitness - you may to wish to check your pulse rate during  moments of
physical exercise. For this you should  wear a heart rate monitor. Some exercise machines
have heart rate monitors you hold on to with your hands. Serious athletes also check how
long it takes for their heart rate to return to normal after physical exertion.

If your pulse feels irregular
Some people may find that their pulse is irregular -during the 20, 30 or 60 seconds when
they feel their pulse the beats  do not follow  a steady beat. If your pulse feels irregular
you should contact your doctor because you might have atrial fibrillating (AF), the leading
cause of stroke in North America and Western Europe...

Health Benefits of Exercise

Posted by Unknown on 8:52 PM with No comments

Health Benefits of Exercise
Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure,
noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity,back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood 
and help you to better manage stress.

For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of
aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity
and stretching at least twice a week.However, if you are unable to do this levels of 
activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of
 moderate- intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.
Health Benefits of Exercise

If you have been inactive fir a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities 
such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you
 to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can
gradually do more strenuous activity.

How Physically Activities Impacts Health

Regular Physical activities that is performed in most days of the week reduces the risk of
developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the united

  • Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
  • Reduce the risk of dying prematurely heart disease.
  • Reduce the risk of developing  diabetes.
  • Reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
  • Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
  • Reduce the feeling of depression and anxiety.
  • Helps control weight.
  • Helps build and maintain healthy bones , muscles, and joints
  • Help older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
  •  Promotes psychological well-being.
Specific Health Benefits of Exercise

Heart Disease and stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke 
by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol ) and lowering low-density lipoprptein (LDL)
levels (bad cholestrole), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working 

High Blood Pressure. Regular physical activity can reduce pressure in those with high
blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduce body fatness, which is associated
 with high blood pressure.
Health Benefits of Exercise

Noninsulin- Dependent Diabetes. by reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to
prevent and control this type of diabetes.

Obesity. Physical  activity help to reduce body fat building or preserving muscle mass
and improving the body's ability to use  calories.when physical activity is combined with
proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity , a major risk factor for 
many diseases.

Back Pain. by increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility  and 
posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain.

Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many
forms of bone loss associated with aging.
Health Benefits of Exercise

Psychological effects.Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you fell 
about yourself. Researchers also found that exercise is likely to reduce depression 
and anxiety and help you to better manage stress.


10 Tips for Natural Lips

Posted by Unknown on 8:52 PM with No comments

10 Tips for Natural Lips
1. To get soft pink lips, you need to scrub your lips with a soft bristled toothbrush every night 
after you are done with brushing your teeth.This will help in removing the dry and  chapped dry 
skin around your lips and make it look fresh.

2. you need yo massage your lips for a few minutes every day. For massaging make a solution
by mixing lemon juice with almond oil. Use this solution to massage your lips every night before
going to bed. This treatment will offer nourishment and help in keeping your lips moisturized.
Soon you will notice the darkness of your lips is getting  reduced.

3. Always remove the lip makeup you have applied during the day before going  to sleep.
To remove the makeup, you can use a soft cotton ball and  put some  almond oil or olive 
oil on it and gently rub  the lips with it. Sleeping with lipsticks and lip gloss on your lips can be
the reason behind your dark lips.

4. By scrubbing your lips with sugar mixed with cold cream the color of your dark lips will
fade. Instead of cold cream you can also use olive oil to make the granular paste. This is a great 
way to exfoliate your lips to give it a natural shine and color.

5. There is little bit of oil called sebum secreted by the skin on the lips and so there is always 
the need to get your  lips moisturized. Use a lip balm or petroleum jelly on your lips when you are
outside and use coco butter on your lips when you are in the house. You need to make sure that 
your lips are always well moisturized in order to get soft and pink lips.
10 Tips for Natural Lips

6.Seeds of pomegranate can also be used in order to lighten the dark color of your lips and
lending it a lovely pink color. Take the seeds of pomegranate in crushed from and mix it with
the milk cream and apply it on your lips. Soon your lips will become redder and fuller.
You can use this solution without worrying about side effects.

7. Cucumber juice when applied on lips also help a lot in reducing the darkness of lips.
Take a slice of cucumber and scrip your  lips with it whenever you have some  time. Just five
minutes of scrubbing daily with cucumber juice will lighten  the color of your lips making  it pink.

8. Rose petals can also be used to get back the pink colors of your lips. Take some rose
petals and immerse it in milk for some time. Then make a paste of the petals and add a few
drops of honey and glycerin to it. Now take this paste and dab it on your lips for fifteen
minutes. Finally rub off your lips gently with milk. When you follow this treatment daily you can
witness amazing results.

9. Try to pat the lips for a few minutes with cotton soaked in carrot juice or beetroot juice.
This way you can easily add some  color on your  lips as well as nourish  the lips. For better
result you can add a pinch of saffron with  juice. Saffron will help in keeping  your dry lips well

10. Next time while eating an orange keep the orange peel as it can help a lot in the
treating dark and dull lips. Use the orange peel to cleanse the skin of your  lips and to lighten the
dark skin tone of your lips...

Six Health Tips

Posted by Unknown on 8:48 PM with No comments

Six Health Tips
The  context in which an individual lives is of great importance on health status and
 quality of life. Health is maintained and improved not  only through the advancement
and application of health science, but also through efforts and  intelligent lifestyle choices
of the individual and society. Here are some  basic tips for maintaining a good health.

 You don't have to belong to a gym club. Thirty minutes walk every day will to prevent
weight gain and encourage moderate weight loss...

Health Tips
     Eat Healthy:
Reduce fat intake, cut down on sugar and opt for fruits and vegetable. This helps reduce
cholesterol  and blood pressure. Health food will also lead to better blood sugar control..
Health Tips

     Reduce Stress:
Not everything we want we get. We have to accept that there are things that we cannot control.
Managing time is also of great importance too. We must allow ourselves enough time to get things
done . Set a time during the day for relaxation.

      Improve Sleep:
Avoid  caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other chemicals that interfere with sleep. Equip your bedroom
with a comfortable mattress and pillow. Sleep in a dark  clean and quite environment.

Health Tips
Meditation has been linked to a variety of health benefits. Its has been linked to changes in
metabolism,blood pressure, brain activation and other bodily processes

     Positive thinking:
People who think positively have an optimistic view of life that effects their health and well-being.
Optimism has bee shown to explain between 5-10 % off the variation in the likelihood of developing some health condition, notably including cardiovascular disease, stroke,depression and cancer.

Natural Remedies for Acne

Posted by Unknown on 8:45 PM with No comments

Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne is a common skin problem that people of all ages suffer from. Pimple lesion can appear
as whitehead, blackheads and small pink bumps. Unhealthy eating habits and hectic lifestyle,
sleep deprivation, too much stress are the reason behind  to cause acne. Natural treatments for pimple are highly effective and less likely to cause irritation or other adverse reaction....
Natural Remedies for Acne

Here we list top 10 natural  remedies for acne.

Lemon Juice:lemon is very good to treat acne because of its acidic property, it cleans dirt accumulated on the pores and will harden the sebum.Take a slice of  lemon  and rub it 
on the affected area and rinse your  face  after few hours with clean water. 
Another method to heal acne is to mix rose water with lemon juice in equal amount and 
then wash affected area with this solution

Natural Remedies for Acne
Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree oil is the another popular home remedy to treat acne. Its acts as
Antiseptic. When we applied the tea tree oil to the affected are it produces bacteria fighting cells
which helps to treat acne. It is an essential oil that is diluted and applied topically to pimple lesions.
Just apply one drop of tea tree oil to the affected area thrice a day...

Orange Peel: Oranges are rich in vitamin C and having good acidic properties makes it
the perfect element to treat acne. The juice of orange along with the peel can be used to treat acne.
Take the orange peel and make it to dry under the sun and then grind the dried orange peel.
Then make that powder into a paste by adding water into it. Apply this paste to the affected
area of the skin and leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Natural Remedies for Acne

Toothpaste: It is one of the easiest home remedy to treat acne. Just apply the small
amount of toothpaste to the affected area of the skin before going to the bed. It will reduce the
swelling and dry out the acne.

Aloe  Vera Juice: we can treat the acne with Aloe Vera and we see the results in a 
matter of few days. Just apply the Aloe Vera juice to the affected area twice a day. You can get Aloe
Vera juice from market or you can prepare your own from a plant by cutting a leaf from aloe 
vera plant and squeeze the gel from middle.

Add More Zinc to your Diet: According to research studies that zinc is effective in
clearing the skin without the use of harsh chemicals. So make sure to add more in your diet to treat
the acne problem easily.

Garlic Paste: Garlic is a natural antibacterial agent  which helps to treat acne easily. Just
apply the garlic paste to the affected area of the skin.

Honey: Honey has both moisturizing as well as antiseptic properties so that it helps to 
treat acne when we apply it on the affected area of the skin..

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Posted by Unknown on 8:45 PM with No comments

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
A Mosquito with the help of thin mouth puncture sucks up blood for feeding. Mosquito bites
can be more annoying and irritating. Mosquito bites can cause Malaria, Dengue, Skin rashes, Skin 
infection etc. You have bitten by Mosquito, to stop itching and pain (rare cause) of those annoying
bites. I have 10 to most home remedies to get rid of itching and pain of those annoying Mosquito
Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Top 10 home remedies for mosquito bites:

                                    Toothpaste can give fast relief from Mosquito bites. Dab some toothpaste
on the affected area with the help of cotton swab. For a better relief peppermint  contained
toothpaste is preferable and note that avoid gel type toothpaste. Normal toothpaste contains
anti-inflammatory properties, menthol, baking soda which helps to reduce the itchiness..
Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Vinegar Paste:
                                         Make a thick paste of cornflour and apple cider vinegar. Apply it on
the affected area and allow to dry and clean it with warm water. It gives great relief from itching.
If you want keep it for a long time place a tape or bandage.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
                    Aspirin can control the inflammation of mosquito bite. Take an aspirin and grind
it, add some droplets of water to make it as a paste. Before applying this paste clean affected area
with water then apply the paste and leave it for few hours and wash it off with luke warm water.
It gives great  relief from inflammation of mosquito  bite. Another method of using aspirin is clean
affected area with  water and rub the aspirin. It gives relief from redness and itching.
Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Aloe Vera:
                     Aloe Vera is one of the great antiseptic agent used in many treatments including
mosquito bites. Take fresh aloe vera leaf and take out the gel keep it in a refrigerator for 10-15
minutes.Apply the gel on affected area to reduce the swelling and itching.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Ice Cubes: 
                     Take ice pack or ice cubes in a clean dry towel and rub it on affected area for 15-20
minutes. Coldness controls the distribution anti-infammatory properties and gives great relief from
mosquito bites.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
                    Simply cut lemon into slices and rub in on affected area to get relief from itchiness and
inflammation. Another method is add paste of basil leaves to the lemon juice and apply this mixture
to the affected area.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
                   Simply place onion slice on the affected area of the skin for several minutes and wash it
off thoroughly. It gives great relief from itchiness and swelling.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Baking Soda:
                            Take a glass of water and add teaspoon of baking soda. Apply it with the help
of  clean cloth and keep it for 20-25 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with lukewarn water.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
               Take finely grounded salt and add little drops of water of make it into paste and apply
it on affected area. It gives great relief from itching and swelling. Another way is add salt to the
garlic paste and apply it on affected area.
Top 10 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

How to Increase Your Height Naturally

Posted by Unknown on 8:44 PM with No comments

How to Increase Your Height Naturally
Many People who are short were desperately trying to increase their height. Many are often
go for various chemical products. The best ways to increase the height naturally were exercise
and having super food which helps to increase the height. The combination of exercises and healthy 
diet is most important to increase the height. Usually after 21, growth is usually stopped. Those who
are below 21 an trying to increase their height, for those here we list the best natural ways.
How to Increase Your Height Naturally

1. Skipping:  Skipping helps to increase the blood circulation and helps the body muscles grow.
It is one of the simple exercise to increase our height.

2. Milk: The 3 nutrients; Proteins, Vitamins D and Calcium in the milk helps to grow tall.

3 Coral Calcium : Coral Calcium is the purest form of the Calcium which is the derived from the sea corals. It helps to increase the growth as well as bone density.

4. Leg Kicking : It is also the best exercise that helps the lower parts of legs grow. It is a vital
warm up exercise in martial arts.

5. Soyabean : Soyabeans are rich in proteins. It boosts the growth of muscles.

6. Vertical Stretch : Stand straight on your toes and raise your hands over your head and then
stretch as far as you can. It will helps to stretch the body muscles and grow.

7. Animal Proteins : Chicken, Beef etc like this animal proteins helps to grow the muscles.
This is the best source of raw proteins which are required for muscular growth.

8. Cobra Pose of Yoga : This is the action which resembles the snake raising its head. Lie flat
on your chest on the floor and then lift up your upper portion of the body to fullest.

9. Eggs: Calcium, Proteins, Vitamin D are abundant in Eggs. This 3 nutrients helps you grow

10: Vertical Hanging: Holding and hanging from vertical bars helps to increase the height.
If you do this at a younger age, then your spinal cord and vertebral column will grow.

11. Good Posture: Have a good posture. Always stand straight instead of hunching your back.
Spread out your shoulders slightly towards the back. Having a good posture will make you look much

12. Enhance your height: Girls can always wear high-heels. Avoid wearing flats or flip-flop.
Instead, wear shoes with heels

  • Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
  • To get taller, stretch as far as you can. Lay down on floor and get a massage. Massages relax your muscles, letting you get just a bit taller.
  • Don't diet if you haven't stopped growing. This can you shorter.
  • Wear jeggings, Yoga pants, legging, or skinny jeans. Sweatpants and loose jeans tend to make you look short. 

Health Benefits Of Sugarcan Juice

Posted by Unknown on 8:43 PM with No comments

Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Health Benefits Of Sugarcan Juice

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice:

  •      Help reduce burning sensation or dysuria associated with uninary tract infections,
Kidney stones and prostatitis.
  •      Treat sore throat cold and flue.
  •      Helps the body to fight against cancer. especially prostate and breast cancer.
  •      Helping in the treatment of kidney disorders and facilitates smooth functioning of
excretory system.
Health Benefits Of Sugarcan Juice
  •      It can restore the proteins which we lost during condition like fever.
  •      Diabetics also can consume sugarcane juice without risking their health condition.
  •      It can fight against acne, blemishes and keep your skin hydrated.
  •      You can apply sugarcane juice as face mask and scrub. Repeat this regularly to prevent 
  •      Consuming sugarcane juice regularly will enhance the wound healing properties.
  •      Sugarcane juice is rich in calcium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc.
  •      It also contain essential vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5 along with  fiber and proteins.
  •      If you have any white spots on nails time to add sugarcane juice in your diet. It will keeps your
nails  shiny and make pretty without applying  nail polish.
  •      It can protect your teeth from tooth decay. Drink  glass of fresh sugarcane juice for white 
and shiny teeth.
  •      It is advised who are suffering from jaundice should take sugarcane juice to recover quickly.

Food To Cleanse Colon

Posted by Unknown on 8:32 PM with No comments

Food To Cleanse Colon
Colon is the last and most important part of  the digestive system. It extracts the water and
salt from solid wastes. To have a healthy digestive system colon cleaning is very important.
It also prevent colon cancer.

Food To Cleanse Colon
Here we list the food to Cleanse the Colon

1. Lemon: Citrus fruits are very effective in cleansing the colon, especially a lemon.
Drinking a glass of lemon juice in the morning helps to cleanse and detox the body.

2. Spinach: Spinach helps  to protect the digestive tract from ailments and can cleanse the Colon.

3. Green Tea: Green Tea is enriched with lot of health benefits. It will be good if we drink green
tea to detox the liver.

4. Legumes: Kidney and lentils are good to cleanse the colon and promotes healthy digestive

5.Whole Grains: Grains are low in calories and cholesterol. You must include grains in your diet
to cleanse the colon. Due to their high fiber content, it is also good for digestion.

6. Avocado: The omega-3 oils in the Avocado helps to cleanse the colon. The Omega-3 oils
acts as a lubricant to the intestine walls and removes all the toxins and waste food particles.

7. Fish: The Omega-3 fatty acids and oils in the fish helps to cleanse the system and also
improves digestion.

8.Garlic: Garlic is an herb which has lot of health benefits. It is also one of the foods for cleansing
the colon.

Sunlight Benefits For Health

Posted by Unknown on 8:30 PM with No comments

Sunlight Benefits For Health
Dr. Robert S. Stern, chair of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel 
Deaconess Medical Center, calls them "Solar-phobes" people so concerned about getting skin 
cancer that they stay inside or cover bit of skin. "They cover up like they were going out into the
Arabian Desert" he says. The marketing  of ultrablocking sunscreens and special sun-protective 
clothing plays into these fears.

There's no getting around the fact that sunlight is hard on your skin. Age gets blamed for 
wrinkles and rough, dry skin. But the real culprit is a combination of age and sun that dermatologists 
call photoaging. The short UVB wavelengths that cause sunburn can also damage DNA and 
suppress the skin's immune system. The longer, more penetrating UVA wavelengths may create
highly reactive oxygen molecules capable of damaging skin cell membranes and DNA inside.
Sunlight Benefits For Health

Here we listed the benefits of the Sunlight for the health.

(1)   Start with the obvious.Sunlight is the initiator of Vitamin D3 creation in our bodies. 
Sunshine's UVB rays interact with the cholesterol in our skin that ignites a process to create Vitamin D
from our kidneys and liver. This doesn't happen without sunlight.

Exposing more bare skin to sunlight is necessary for 20 to 30 minutes at least three or four times weekly.
Glass windows and windshields block UVB rays while letting in UVA rays, which can be harmful.

One irony is that most sunscreens block only UVB rays, thus inhibiting vitamin D3 production. As a
pre-hormone, Vitamin D3 has many internal health function.

 Vitamin D3 production from sunlight has  its own shut-down mechanism, safeguarding you from
overdosing  Vitamin D. But if you wash exposed skin with soap too soon, you wash away
the skin's oils that have just begun the Vitamin D process.

(2). Dr .Johanna Budwig promoted daily sunlight exposure in conjunction with her famous Budwig diet
for curing cancer. She had become aware of sunlight's electromagnetic contribution to the dietary 
elements of her successful cancer cures.

(3). During long period without sunshine, many get depressed. It called seasonal affective disorder
(SAD). Besides feeling gloomy, people experiences low energy.

(4). A substance in our bodies called melatin may be able to convert sunlight into metabolic energy.
There are studies looking into this.
Sunlight Benefits For Health

(5). Sunlight exposure was discovered to reduce the need for pain medication, stress, and anxiety 
among post operative patients in one hospital that conducted a study in 2005.

(6). A 2012 neuroscience study determined that those who had six hours of sunlight exposure
during the day were more alert in the evening.

(7). A 2011 dermatological study observed the sunlight exposure helps burn subcutaneous fat,
which is unattractive but doesn't necessarily affect cardiovascular health adversely.

Health Benefits Of Water

Posted by Unknown on 8:29 PM with No comments

Health Benefits of Water
The human body is a water machine, designed primarily to run on water and minerals. Every
life giving and healing process that happens inside our body  happen with water. In just
the last decade medical science has begun to focus  more on the tremendous healing ability 
our body has and how  much that ability depends on water. Our body instinctively knows how
and strives to sustain youthful longevity, and in its every effort  Water is the key. The human body 
is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 80 %, our brain over 75% and the human liver
is an amazing 96% water!

Health Benefits of Water

Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven
that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person
a 15% drop in body fluids causing death water is what our liver uses to metabolize loss due to minor

               Water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on
it. Human survival is dependent on water- water has been ranked experts as second only to oxygen 
as essential for life. The average adult body is 55 to 75% water. 2/3 of your body weight is water 
(40 to 50 quarts). A human embryo is more than 80% water. A newborn baby is 74% water. 
Everyday your body must replace 2 1/2 quarts of water. The water you drink literally becomes you!
Since such a large percentage of our bodies is water, water must obviously figure heavily in how our
bodies function. We need lots of fresh water to stay healthy.

 Water is the medium for various  enzymatic & chemical reactions in the body. In moves nutrients,
hormones, antibodies & oxygen through the blood stream & lymphatic system. The proteins &
enzymes of the body function more efficiently in solution of lower viscosity.Water is the solvent of the body
& it regulates all function including the activity of everything it dissolves & circulates.

     Water helps regulate our body temperature through perspiration, which dissipates excess heat & 
cools our bodies.

     We even need water to breathe! as we take in oxygen & excrete CO2 our lungs must be 
moistened by water. We lose about 1 to 2 pints of water each day just exhaling.

Asthma is frequently relieved when water intake is increase. Histamine plays a key role in 
regulating the way the body uses & distributes water & helps control the body's defense mechanisms.
In asthmastics histamine level increases with dehydration. Our defense for the body is to close down the 
The kidneys remove wastes such as uric acid, lactic acid all of which must be dissolved in water. When 
there isn't sufficient water, those wastes are not effectively removed, which may result in damage to the 
Water lubricates our joints. The cartilage tissues found at the ends of long bones & between the vertebrea
of the spine hold a lot of water, which serves as a lubricant during the movement of the joint. When the
cartilage is will hydrated, the two opposing surfaces glide freely & friction damage is minimal. If the
cartilage is dehydrated the rate of "abrasive" damage is increased, resulting in joint deterioration &
increased pain.
     The activity growing blood cells in the bone marrow take priority over the cartilage for the available
 water that goes through the bone structure.
     Rheumatoid joint pain frequently decreases with increased water intake & flexing exercises to bring
more circulation to the joints.
     75% of the upper body weight is supported by the water volume that is stored in the spinal disc
core. 25% is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc. The spinal joints are dependent
on different hydraulic properties of water which is stored in the disc core. Back pain is frequently
alleviated with hydration.
Health Benefits of Water

So far, we've discovered some remarkable truths about water and weight loss:

The body will not function properly without enough water and can't metabolize stored fat efficiently.
  •           Retained water shows up as excess weight.
  •           To get rid of excess water you must drink more water.
  •           Drinking water is essential to weight loss.

How much water is enough? on the average a person should drink eight 8-ounce glasses every day.
That's about 2 quarts. However, the overweight person needs one additional glass for every 25
points of excess weight. The amount you drink also should be increased if you exercise briskly or 
if the weather is not and dry.

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