Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Banana A Day

Posted by Unknown on 8:28 PM with No comments

Banana Benefits For The Health
Instead of eating an apple each day for optimum heath, the adage should state that a banana each
day keeps the doctor away.
The banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple because it has many more Vitamins
and nutrients than their round

Banana has many thing which is necessary for the health 
we listed some benefits of the Banana:

          Banana are a good source of manganese, with one medium banana providing about .3 mg
Adults need between 1.8 and 2.3 mg of
Manganese daily. Manganese is necessary for bone health and metabolism.

Banana Benefits For The Health

          According to the USDA, one banana has about 3 g of fiber, dietary fiber can help you feel
fuller longer and also keep your digestive processes running smoothly.

Other Nutrients:

          Banana also deliver small amount of other Vitamins and minerals. A banana provides some
Irons, Magnesium Calcium and Phosphorus as well as Vitamins A and E, folate, carotene and choline.
Banana also contain trace amounts of many amino acids.

Good for Ulcers:
          Eating banana regularly may help protect against stomach ulcer. Compounds in banana seem
to create a thicker protective barrier in the stomach against hydrochloric acid.

 Banana also contain protease inhibitors that work to eliminate certain bacteria in the stomach
implicated as a major cause of stomach ulcers.

Banana Benefits For The Health
High in Vitamin B6
          Banana are particularly high in Vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin 
for healthy blood.
B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids
and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body. 

Just one banana has a fifth of your recommended daily intake of vitamin B6. And they taste much better
than vitamin pills too.]

Vitamins and Minerals:
          Alongside the high levels of potassium and vitamin B6 already mentioned, banana also have good
levels of vitamin C, Magnesium and manganese.

They are also a source of most of the other B vitamins and smaller amounts of trace minerals like iodine,
iron, selenium and zinc.


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